Tag: สุนทรียภาพ

Exceed the limitation with Multi-Sensory Art

Exceed the limitation with Multi-Sensory Art

A work of art is not limited to being perceived only by the eyes. It can also stimulate our other senses as well. ArtVentureNFT invites everyone to experience the story of “Multi-sensory Art” 🎨‼️ Art that stimulates every sense: sight, sound, smell, touch, and sometimes taste. It creates memories and impressions that are difficult to […]

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Origin of Tarot Cards

Origin of Tarot Cards

Tarot cards🧿🕯️have a long and amazing history. Reflecting the deep connection between human spirit, art, and culture in each era ✨ Originally used as a tool for playing card games called “Tarocchi”, they are intricately drawn. It is a symbol of exquisite high art 🎨 From card games to soul searching 🔮 In the centuries […]

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