AI technology is constantly evolving. They can now analyze thousands of works of art while learning patterns to generate stunning images. AI can create paintings in a variety of styles, from realistic paintings to abstract images to smoothly imitating the style of famous artists 🎨✨️

Although AI-generated paintings are an interesting development, they remain controversial in the art industry. There is a whole group of people who accept that it is art because it comes from the thought process of humans. While there are still many people who disapprove that it is real art. Why is that so ⁉️

1. Art created by AI lacks human spirit.

Traditional art is often seen as an expression of the artist’s innermost emotions. Every brushstroke, color choice, and composition is an expression of care and the artist’s experience. However, AI is impaired in consciousness and emotions. They don’t understand happiness, sadness, and inspiration. As a result, critics argue that AI-generated art lacks the emotional depth that has been the essence of art since ancient times.

2. Art created by AI lacks originality. Not an original work 

Many argue that what is created by AI is not true creativity. This is because they create their work only based on information available online. Unable to create new things or think outside the box like a human artist is capable of. Even if AI creates something that looks new, it is only the result of combining existing information and interpreting it. 🔍

Although AI-generated drawings may not completely replace human-made artwork, they also represents an important development in the field of art.

One of the most interesting aspects of AI is its potential to collaborate with human artists. Instead of viewing AI as a competitor, we should view AI as a tool that enhances creativity. Artists can use AI to explore new styles. Experiment with different techniques and beyond the limits of their own work. In this sense, AI becomes a companion rather than a mere imitator.

According to the author’s feelings ✒️
“Art is like food. Depending on taste, there is no right or wrong. We all have the right to interpret according to our feelings. As our understanding of AI creativity evolves, our definition of art may change.” 🚀

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