The exhibition showcases the artwork of Aree Sutthiphan, a national artist, department of Visual Arts, year 2012, at the age of 93 years. Collection of works reflecting life, beauty, and experience through paintings during 2021-2023. Special Professor Aree Soothiphunt or teacher Aree began his teaching career in 1957 at the College of Education, Prasarnmit, his important role aside from being an artist. It is the connection between individuals and institutions together in a systematic way.

The word “art” for Teacher Aree is experience, taking action, and seeing results through the creative process to invite you to think “reflect” on, and develop artistic skills both in terms of thinking and form of practice. The exhibition “Aesthetic Experience” presents the artist’s later creative works, who have conveyed their ideas through works in an abstract form using the technique of continuous squeezing of color (Contour Drawing), which requires concentration and focus to convey the lines to express themselves firmly.

Teacher Aree believes that speed is beauty because when we have feelings and thoughts, we can see beauty through appropriate rhythm and proportion. The woman’s body and body are also symbols of fertility. The works in this series are therefore expressions in which viewers can understand the boundaries of beauty through the principles of visual elements, lines, colors, shapes, forms, and textures. Artist’s freedom Because the beauty of a woman’s body is not directly expressed but it is diminished by the artist’s unique creative strategies.